The buzzword of ‘sector rotation’ has one mentioned by investors across markets. As we start to see the end of the Coronavirus pandemic. With biotechnology companies announcing new vaccines, our road to economic recovery looks much clearer, and thus our fundamental view on sectors ever-changing. Here’s why sector rotation is so important and how you can profit from these kinds of big stories: What is sector rotation? Unless you live under a rock you’ve probably seen or heard every news broadcast, radio or article talk about the buzzword of sector rotation right now. Out of one, into another. Sector rotation, says host Andrew Baxter, is something quite tricky to understand however something that is critically important. So, what is sector rotation? Well, if you imagine a big cake that has been cut into slices. Each slice represents a sector that you are invested in with the cake acting as your entire portfolio. Some examples might be the banking sector, the tech sector,...