Irrational Economics: Amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic, the economic statistics versus the economic narratives are painting two very different pictures. Our perceptions and opinions of what’s actually going on seem outrageously irrational given some statistics we have before us, here’s why : Concentrated confusion Any investor knows that you need to have confidence to successfully invest. Confidence means being certain, and as we all know – markets love certainty. The anecdotal evidence of our economic state seems to be rather different from how the statistics paint us. This means planting the flag in one spot as an investor becomes awfully challenging and anything but certain. Australia is experiencing a record rate of real unemployment yet has a 7-year high consumer confidence figure. Our property market is booming yet 1 in 7 rental properties have been left without a tenant. As host Andrew Baxter states, it just simply doesn’t make sense. The real rate of unem...