How to Ask For a Pay Rise Have you noticed your paycheck disappearing more quickly between rent, the grocery store and the bowser? If you answered yes – you are not the only one. One way you can help yourself is to ask your boss for a pay rise so the essentials don’t sting so much. Listen in for some great advice on how to ask: The Importance of Primary Income On this podcast we often discuss investment strategies and opportunities, but before we even get there, we need money to get us started. No matter what your occupation may be, everyone is always open to being paid more for what they do. Our income is what goes towards our spending, our excess for investing as well as our superannuation, so it should always be high on your list of priorities. As a previous employee at the start of his career, Host Andrew Baxter breaks down why it is important to establish a solid foundation of income in order to grow into other spaces. While we all want multiple income ...