The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of events and headlines for markets to digest. Performance has been mixed and headline to headline trading has returned to the fore as investors’ nerves have become challenged by the uncertainty of change What is Major and what is noise? The Major factors to consider are the prospects for Brexit and the Fed’s decision to sometime raise US Interest rates. “Brexit” is the term given to the Britain’s possible withdrawal from the European Union. Riding on the wave of populism, giving the voters the choice Prime Minister, David Cameron locked in a date for the vote – next week! The dangers are significant – populism and perception will make the case to leave very strong, in many voters minds. Equally the economic consequences of this are significant, albeit unknown as this is a first. Growing up and starting my career in the UK, my perceptions may be a little jaded, but on the surface, what was the EEC (Now EU) has changed imm...