Stock markets rise and fall. But it is very rare for a singular event to cause global markets to plummet all at the same time. As global trade has become more efficient and economies become more intertwined with each other, the potential for markets to succinctly react in unison to major fundamental events, is increasingly more possible. The future for share investing will not only rely on information from the local bourse, but from major country trading partners and precedent set from key exchanges such as China, Japan, Germany and the US. Investment decisions will need to be made with a global perspective in mind. A stock market crash is very different to a Bear market, otherwise referred to as a Contracting Economy. Economies will expand and contract with cycles sometimes lasting years. More recently, the Australian economy experienced an Expanding economy between 2003 and 2008, and a Contracting economy between 2008 and 2009. Historically, there have been ver...