I’m not sure about you, but nothing irritates me more than the doomsayers that jump on the bandwagon or pretty much any negative World event and use it as confirmation that the World economy is about to implode. The Brexit referendum (remember, a couple of weeks ago?) leaves the UK with a big question mark over its future – compounded by very weak leadership, but has had little impact on the overall equity markets and in particular, those in the US. The US has pushed up almost 5% from the late June low, hardly crumbling to 6000 points as predicted by some! In fact, even the Aussie market has managed to creep up, despite the post Australian election paralysis. And this leads me to my two points for this article. Firstly, after more than 2 decades of professional trading , I am very comfortable with the fact that I gave up on trying to predict and forecast, let me see now – yep more than 2 decades ago! You see, to make money, you need to respond to what is goin...